Friday, November 11, 2011

create a free blog


tutorial blogCreate a blog  free, now many free blog service providers like blogspot and wordpress which is currently widely used by bloggers.
blog optimization
 Create a blog with blogspot is one way to create a blog free, blogspot provides the services that we can use for blog optimization  and also providing costume blogspot domain with your own name but it's not free.The second way to create a free blog is by create a blog with wordpess. Create a blog with wordpress so I do not understand it but I will describe how to create free blogs with wordpress.

For number 1 google we do not have to have a web / blog paid because with a free blog only we could number 1 google but with the blog optimization .

Create a blog with blogspot free of course. I will explain how to create a blog with blogspot after this. Make sure you read all the posts on my blog post to get a tutorial blog  and blog optimization clearly.

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Creating blog very easy


Creating blog is easy and can be said to be very fast if you just want to create a blog. Create a blog does not have to have money to create a blog because we can use pasilitas free like blogspot and wordpress.
Blogspot is one of the hosting providers to create a blog for free and blogspot also provides service to have your own domain name.
Tutorial blog

Many advantages of blogspot which other blog provider . Some examples of advantages compared to other blogspot is easy in operation making it perfect for beginner, create a blog very easy, more flexibility in changing and editing your blog template so that the view will be more fresh for your own creations custom domain or you can rename your blog with your own domain name eg changed to, while still using blogspot hosting and still remains free. Blogspot also allows you to create more than one blog.

As my blog, I chose to create a blog with blogspot because I was a beginner and to create a blog with blogspot impressed faster compared with other blog providers. 

My blog will give a tutorial blog how to create a blog with blogspot . Tutorial blog that I would give is to start from to create a blog and blog optimization until your blog becomes number 1 google. So make sure you read all my posts that discuss tutorial blog from to create a blog up to blog optimization.

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